Tolerance and the Golden Rule….





Isn’t it a sad irony that the people who preach “tolerance” so fiercely are fiercely INtolerant when another person voices an opinion that opposes whatever belief or stance they are trying to impose upon the rest of society? Apparently, we  are supposed to only be “tolerant” of THEIR opinions and only exercise our freedom of speech if we speak in agreement with these oh-so-tolerant people.

I saw on the news today that a christian rapper named “Bizzle” has come under attack, not for spouting the vulgarity and immorality so prevalent in hip-hop today, but for making a rap that spoke on the beliefs he holds, in accordance with the Christian Bible, regarding homosexuality. Specifically, Bizzle’s song is a response to Mackemore’s pro-gay marriage song speaking out in opposition to gay marriage. The backlash has been awful, Bizzle even receiving death threats.

The point is not whether we agree with Bizzle, but whether or not people who are so vocal in demanding tolerance should be so intolerant and quick to attack a Christian man who si doing nothing more than voicing his own beliefs in a song. Seems to me, some folks have forgotten the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” You want tolerance? Then give it when faced with opinions and beliefs different from your own. Otherwise, you are the bigot you would accuse the next man of being. There is no room for double-standards.

To Bizzle, I send kudos and respect for being brave enough to speak out in opposition and express the “unpopular” opinion in such a public manner. Just remember that Jesus warned of the persecution true Christians would suffer in His name and, as you face it, stay strong. God bless and keep you head up, brother.

To everyone else, I say once more, whether or not you agree with Bizzle, tolerate his opinion if you expect tolerance for your own. Practice what you preach or close your mouth. It’s simple.

Have a nice day, ever body. 

One Love,


Hear Bizzle’s song here:

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